In today’s live stream, Joseph informs us of a final warning from God, he references the story of Jonah in the scripture and how he ran from the message God has called him to deliver to his people. He went on to teach that Jonah represents the church, and the church wants to run from the presence of God. He then confronts the overwhelming presence of the Balloon(Chinese) police stations in the US, which he believes is an affront to the US as a nation. He went further to justify the final judgment that’s coming with the scripture in the Book of Jonah that says, “When people regard worthless idols, they forsake mercy”. Moving on, Joseph reveals a prophecy about foreign troops infiltrating the US soil, but he assures that regardless of this and all we’ll experience, there’ll be intercession, especially from women whom society holds little value for. He went on to reveal that the Lord is charging women of God to rise and take territory, for God will use the foolish things of the world to confound the wisdom of mankind. He insists that God has called upon women of God to arise, to stand on the hour of visitation, as God has empowered them to be who he wants them to be. Also, Joseph emphasises that the lions are coming, clear-eyed, clear-minded warriors that will rise and push back all the perversion at large in society. He declares that God is granting strength to a dying generation, and there’ll be a spirit of “might” that’ll come upon this generation. More importantly, Joseph reveals that God’s final warning to the church is that the church must do its job, through revivals. He insists further that God’s final warning is for nations to repent to repair, and it’s vital that we begin to raise one million for a billion; mature believers, reformers that will rise to raise a billion harvest. He discloses again that there’ll be intercessors rising through the women of God, and the keyword in this time is obedience to God’s word to raise up clear-eyed and clear-minded reformers. Furthermore, he instructs that obedience is our safety, our destiny, which brings all things to us that’ll lead to a blessed life. He reassures us that if we do the difficult, God will do the impossible, and God’s final word to us is to obey God; to follow the leading of the holy spirit, and thereby earn the fulfilment attached to our act of obedience. He charges us to stand now so that we’ll begin to see victory, as we’ve one more round and we’ll have one more way of power in our nation. Remember, “On a bad day, we’ve been called and anointed to be the best there is”. #finalwarning #intercession #repenttorepair #josephz #zministries #justice #prophecy #prophecylive #news Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below: Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 02:25 Alliance of Foreign Adversaries 04:58 Foreign Troops 05:44 Jonah: The Church 07:03 Intercessors: Godly Women 11:57 Another Round of Reformers 14:40 God’s Final Warning: Revival & Repentance 19:53 A Million for A Billion 24:57 Obedience 29:10 God’s Call to Service 30:01 America’s Mountain 32:09 Conclusion April 19, 2023